Day 1,2,3,4,5 .... Misaal Rajasthan in Jawli Village,Alwar district , Rajasthan.
We believe that skill development is a powerful agent of social transformation.Providing vocational training,we feel, will not only bridge the gap between skilled and unskilled labourers,but also help the rural women with better employment and self-employment opportunities.The RN Art Foundation Center in #Jawli is going to serve women,children & youth.The objective is to provide a platform to the women and youth, supporting them in learning the desired skill sets that will make them employable and empower them to earn their living.We will also help in setting up small businesses and become local entrepreneurs.
The center will provide pre-school programs cover a variety of locations and methods of delivery.We will be offering a distance education model of early childhood certification for our instructors. This will be an important way of providing support for children from villages and their families for developing early foundational skills and to facilitate their transition into formal schools.
We also intend in providing access to information, knowledge and skill to the citizens using various components of Digital India initiative. Objective is create t young rural entrepreneurs,and become agents of change in rural India #togetherwecan #soletsdoit #villages #people #misaalmumbai #misaalrajasthan #teamwork #transforminglives #buildingcommunities #educatingthroughArt #skillcentre #balwadi #education #skill #employment #youth #women #ourpeople #ourcountry #india #rajasthan #joinhands 🙏🏻🌈📖🇮🇳🌾🌳😍 Thank u Ashok Singh ji, Rathore aunty and the people of Jawli for all your support & love 🙏🏻🙏🏻